Business Coach Georgia

Not only do we believe in America, we believe in the American Workforces’ ability for greatness!

Over the past for decades, workers have become more and more disenchanted with their situation, and leaders have struggled to keep with workplace fads and trends in their efforts to improve worker satisfaction and overall productivity.

That’s why we created the Make Work Great Again Certificate, a program designed to teach workers and leaders how to identify waste in their workspace, develop countermeasures to eliminate those wastes, and then sustain those efforts through collaborative work as a team.

  • Program Introduction

  • Message for Workers

  • Message for Leaders

The Make Work Great Again Certificate consists of 3 courses

  • Business Coaching Firms Georgia

    Business Coaching Firms Georgia

    This course teaches students how to see what is negatively affecting their workplace and starts to provide a framework of tools and methods.

  • Business Coaching Firms Georgia

    Business Coaching Firms Georgia

    This course teaches students how to identify and approach an opportunity.

  • Business Coaching Firms Georgia

    Business Coaching Firms Georgia

    This course teaches students how to standardize and sustain their efforts while also working in a group setting.

How do I get started?

  • Workers

    Leadership Development

    As an employee, we invite you to sign up for our online certificate. You can enroll in the 3 courses individually, or sign up for all three at once for a 10% discount.

    Enroll today!

  • Leaders

    Leadership Development

    The Make Work Great Certificate is part of our Training & Action operational improvement program that combines employee training and project action for immediate and sustainable results!

    Learn More

More info for Leaders and companies

We fully understand that every company is in a different place on their journey. Because of that, we have several different ways of helping your company incorporate the Make Work Great Again program to help leaders and workers collaboratively work together.

  • Standard Work

    Process Improvement

    Difficulty training new employees? Struggling to consistently produce quality products?

    If so, chances are your processes are in the need of standardization and team-wide implementation. Typically, we start with one department and document/standardize their processes while creating a robust training matrix and training plan. Throughout the process we work directly with your employees, training them how to independently perform these tasks on their own.

    Watch how we helped one company train their upcoming infield installers.

  • 1 Week Improvement Project

    Process Improvement

    Do you have one area or process that is constantly behind? Do you know there is a better way to get the work done, you’re just not sure how to get there.

    In a one week rapid improvement event one of our skilled practitioners will work with your team to evaluate the situation and problem at hand, facilitate the development and implementation of solutions, and leave the team with a roadmap to ensure sustainment of the efforts.

    Watch how we helped a team that was drowning in deadlines and overtime overcome their challenges.

  • Company wide Implementation

    Process Improvement

    Ready to jump right in and get your organization running to its potential?

    Our experienced Business Coaches have over a century in experience helping leaders just like you implement company-wide improvement and training efforts. A typical engagement will include multiple one-week engagements designed around resolving your biggest problems while simultaneously training your work-force to lead projects of their own.

    Watch how we assisted a rapidly expanding company get up to speed while reducing costs by over $500,000.

All of these engagements will come with online enrollment for your employees in our Make Work Great Again certificate.

Contact Us to talk about your situation


The one about overtime

The one about growth

The one about communication

Enroll today!

Continuous Improvement Training

Serving across Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, South Carolina, North Carolina, Texas, South East USA, and surrounding areas.

Schedule a Call Today

Are You Comfortable with Your Company Sitting Squarely in the Middle of the Pack?

“Okay” is a race to the bottom. When companies settle for okay, they start to compare themselves to other okay companies and they start to take comfort in their okay performance and their okay metrics. And slowly but surely, the distance between the excellent companies and the okay companies widens. And eventually, the okay companies are left competing on price and scrambling for the profit crumbs in the commodity basement of the industry.

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Business Coach Georgia

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